Savina Cuéllar

Savina Cuéllar is a Bolivian politician, currently serving as governor of the Department of Chuquisaca.[1] She is of Quechua ancestry and one of the leading oppositionists to president Evo Morales.[2] 2006 she joined the Bolivian Constituent Assembly of 2006-2007 as a Evo Morales-supporter but changed sides over the question, whether Sucre or La Paz should be the capital of the country[3].


  1. ^ El MAS advierte con trabar la gestión de Savina Cuéllar
  2. ^ Gobierno boliviano reconoce el triunfo de Savina Cuéllar
  3. ^ [1], Miguel Centellas (2010): Savina Cuéllar and Bolivia’s New Regionalism. In: Latin American Perspectives 37 (4). DOI: 10.1177/0094582X10372510